LyricsXpert is a plug-in for iTunes that will find and update your songs´ lyrics.
This program will scan the Internet in order to find the proper lyrics of the songs saved in your disk drives. Once it has found them, it will add them to the song files. This way, you will be able to see the lyrics when playing the songs in your portable devices.
LyricsXpert will indicate when it founds the proper lyrics for a song with a green flag. If the lyrics are already embedded, or if the program didn´t found it, you will see a red flag. You will be able to hear any of the songs (and see the lyrics) by double-clicking on any of the titles. The program will use iTunes to play the song, and will display the lyrics while doing it. Some song will even include a background image, that will be also displayed in your phone´s screen. The program also includes a Wizard that will let you scan Internet and embed into the song the lyrics or the guitar chords for a song. The "Options" feature allows you to set up how to manage the filtering options, and how to embed the lyrics in the songs.
Comments (2)
It's exactly what I was looking for!